Computational Social Scientist with background in Sociology | Research Scientist at The MPl for Demographic Research | Intro, CV and archive of presentations by Aliakbar Akbaritabar, use under GPL-3.0 License
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Hello there !
I am Ali (short for Aliakbar Akbaritabar)
I like to call myself a Social Data Scientist. It is mainly what data scientists are doing plus a sociological approach which is what I have been studying for most of my academic life. A couple of times I have been asked what does it mean, I have added a description below.
What do I mean by Social Data Scientist?!
In 2017, when I was shortly back to my country, Iran, my friend's colleague asked me a short question about my everyday job. A short, but hard question, she asked:
"When you say, you work on a daily basis with data, as a social data scientist, what does that mean? What do you do with data?"
I gave an answer, which seemed incomplete to myself by then. I have been searching and thinking about it. Once more, I was describing it to someone else and the answer seems more mature to me. My job includes taking a few steps:
These are the main steps, in short: ask questions, gather data, clean data, model it, interpret, report and present it.
You can read more about these in my paper in EPJ Data Science, here:
Akbaritabar, A. Thinking spatially in computational social science. EPJ Data Sci. 13, 14 (2024).
You can see my CV here
Twitter: @akbaritabar,, or email (akbaritabar [at]!
Below is the the calendar that I am publicly maintaining and you can see more description about it here
My older website (available here: had some blog posts on data science and analysis related topics. Some are available here:
See here for the files of all presentations available under GPL-3.0 License:
To cite:
Akbaritabar, A. (2022). Intro, CV and archive of presentations by Aliakbar Akbaritabar.
title = {Intro, {CV} and archive of presentations by {Aliakbar} {Akbaritabar}},
copyright = {GPL-3.0},
url = {},
abstract = {Intro, CV and archive of presentations by Aliakbar Akbaritabar (, use under GPL-3.0 License},
urldate = {2022-04-17},
author = {Akbaritabar, Aliakbar},
year = {2022},
note = {original-date: 2022-01-11T21:20:21Z},
Click on links to open each year’s presentations.