Aliakbar Akbaritabar


Computational Social Scientist with background in Sociology | Research Scientist at The MPl for Demographic Research | Intro, CV and archive of presentations by Aliakbar Akbaritabar, use under GPL-3.0 License

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Hello there !

I am Ali (short for Aliakbar Akbaritabar)

I like to call myself a Social Data Scientist. It is mainly what data scientists are doing plus a sociological approach which is what I have been studying for most of my academic life. A couple of times I have been asked what does it mean, I have added a description below.

What do I mean by Social Data Scientist?!

In 2017, when I was shortly back to my country, Iran, my friend's colleague asked me a short question about my everyday job. A short, but hard question, she asked:

"When you say, you work on a daily basis with data, as a social data scientist, what does that mean? What do you do with data?"

I gave an answer, which seemed incomplete to myself by then. I have been searching and thinking about it. Once more, I was describing it to someone else and the answer seems more mature to me. My job includes taking a few steps:

  1. Question: First I need to ask relevant questions. I also need to figure out which kind of data can help in answering those questions. The questions can come from many sources, "social" adjective in above title means some of these questions are sociological.
  2. Gather: I need to gather the data. It can mean scrapping the web for it, sending requests to databases to capture it, building API solutions, or spending time and building a tool to make up data from scratch. I have even designed and carried out my own surveys (both online and offline, see in my CV).
  3. Clean: Organizing the data, reshaping it, cleaning it, making it ready to be used is the next step. It can be long and frustrating if previous step has not been done reasonably.
  4. Model: Then comes the phase when we need to find out which way is the best way to use this data to answer our starting questions. Modeling the data in statistical, relational (Networks and network analysis is here) and structural or other modeling frameworks appear here. Sometimes, I need to first learn those models, reshape my data according to them and then apply the models. "Social" adjective in above title means some of these models are stemmed from sociological theories or methodologies.
  5. Report: At the end, my main job is to prepare reports describing all above steps and main findings. I have put quite a high level of energy to generate reports dynamically from previous steps. It has made my life so much easier, faster, and replicable in future and besides, less prone to errors (read more about it here).
  6. Present: sharing the results in conferences and publishing them, which in itself is another world, is the next step. Of course, then comes getting feedback and repeating all of the above.

These are the main steps, in short: ask questions, gather data, clean data, model it, interpret, report and present it.

You can read more about these in my paper in EPJ Data Science, here:

Akbaritabar, A. Thinking spatially in computational social science. EPJ Data Sci. 13, 14 (2024).


You can see my CV here

How to reach me?

Twitter: @akbaritabar,, or email (akbaritabar [at]!

Computational Social Science Events Worldwide

Below is the the calendar that I am publicly maintaining and you can see more description about it here

Blog posts from older website

My older website (available here: had some blog posts on data science and analysis related topics. Some are available here:

Presentations on reverse chronological order

See here for the files of all presentations available under GPL-3.0 License:

To cite:

Akbaritabar, A. (2022). Intro, CV and archive of presentations by Aliakbar Akbaritabar.

	title = {Intro, {CV} and archive of presentations by {Aliakbar} {Akbaritabar}},
	copyright = {GPL-3.0},
	url = {},
	abstract = {Intro, CV and archive of presentations by Aliakbar Akbaritabar (, use under GPL-3.0 License},
	urldate = {2022-04-17},
	author = {Akbaritabar, Aliakbar},
	year = {2022},
	note = {original-date: 2022-01-11T21:20:21Z},

Click on links to open each year’s presentations.







































































